Dear Colleague

We are happy to present you our very own real estate portal:

  1. This is our landing page to five other websites with specific contents like directories, main and profile directory, listings, Brokers’ manual, Buyer and Seller guides, tools and resources for real estate practice among other service that we need in our daily practice. Subscribers can access articles, e-books and download forms and other materials. The contents are underway.
  2. – This website carries the list of names of all duly licensed Real Estate Service Professionals- Consultants, Appraisers, Brokers and their accredited Salespersons. We have over 67,000 names of RESPs here.
  3. – This website is your profiles directory where the public can learn about you and your credentials, your location, expertise among your other capacities and other professions that maybe of help to them looking for your services not just as a real estate service professionals but also of your other expertise.
  4. – This website is our MLS site where your listings go. You may choose for Basic, Premium or Unlimited postings. Just send us your listings and will post them for you.
  5. – This website will carry projects by developers, according to budget and location. Mostly affordable homes and for first time buyers.

Our advocacy site-  contains blogs and articles to inform the public about RA 9646. Find out more of our services. 

We put together all these websites with you colleagues in mind especially those who are not familiar with managing websites or do online marketing for their listings. Aside from it is expensive to start with, many of those who have their websites made only lasted for a year. Which are what web developers have included in their packages. At the same time, if brokers do not know how to manage, the website cannot be seen via search unless they specify their domains when searching.  That is why after a year, most of their websites are gone.

Here, we offer a hassle-free online marketing that is very affordable for you. We understand the struggles and challenges of real estate practitioners that is why we created these websites to assist you in your everyday real estate practice.

Here, we only accept duly licensed RESPs. If REBs have accredited SP, the names of the SPs are listed under their names and their listings are advertised through their REBs to properly observe Sec 29 and 31 of RA 9646.

Find out more of our services. Please click the link below to register. We’d love to have you on board. If you find our directory useful, please share the links above and join our RESA advocacy. We have different social media groups where you can interact with colleagues, share listings, ask questions about your transactions, and join our discussions on issues and concerns of our industry and profession.
